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Mission Statement


Researchers are now saying that by the year 2100 our bodies will deform due to our excessive use of technology. That our backs will be bent, our necks will be stiff and wide, our palms would come to
resemble clogs, our fingers would feel rigid, our ankles would be big and full of veins, and our eyes will turn red and would appear lifeless.

We will spend most of our time indoors, meet with colleagues through mixed reality headsets. We will communicate with our social robot to operate our smart home or shared car through voice and touch commands. We may be in the same spatial environment with our colleagues or friends, but we will be completely detached from our physical surroundings and the people within it.

How would this effect on the way we learn, think, create, communicate and experience the world?

​So much of what we accomplish in the world is based on our embodied cognition. From simple gestures to spatial navigation, our body is the one tool we take with us where ever we may go.

I am an XR director, embodied and information experience designer, and illustrator - on a mission to push the boundaries of what immersive technologies can do to help preserve cultural heritage and bring stories to life through visual, natural and immersive experiences. 

My interdisciplinary background, knowhow, tools and techniques, derived from scenography, wearable and visual communication, information visualization, storytelling, textile, game and interaction design - enables me to speak many professional languages and direct creative projects that integrate many moving parts.  

If you also care about the design of future matters - 


Brand Strategy / Identity & Branding / Print, Digital & Web / Art Direction / Environmental & Exhibition

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